Frequently Asked Questions

Watch the video above to learn more about theatre positions!

Q: How often do you meet? A: We meet every Tuesday and more often as we closer to a bigger event such as the musical.
Q: How do I join? A: Simply fill out the permission slip and turn it in then you're able to regularly attend meetings and participate in set building!
Q: How flexible is the schedule? A: Our weekly meetings are never required, however, when we get closer to the musical you're expected to atend certain days to ensure that you fully understand everything that is going on.
Q: What positions are there to offer? A: We offer many positions such as lighting positions, sound positions, and more! Feel free to check out all of our positions along with descriptions on our home page.
Q: Am I allowed to only attend musical days? A: It is recommended that you attend as many meetings as you're able to. However, it would probably still work out if you're able to attend most or all of the required days. These are required to ensure that everyone fully understands and is able competently to perform their job before opening night.
Q: When do I signup? A: You can signup at anytime, however, it is recommended that you do so before November so you can help us start to build sets for the musical.